Inventor(s):  José Antonio Mota


According to the invention, a series of magnets that will be installed in a determined way in the sole is proposed, the magnetic orientation of all the magnets will be with the negative pole facing the ground and the positive pole oriented towards the template and in the template , the magnetic orientation of the magnets will be inverse, the lower part of the template will be of positive magnetism and the upper part of the same will be of negative pole. This composition and orientation of magnets, creates a magnetic field of repulsion, creating in turn, a space or air chamber of magnetic damping that does not come into direct contact between the two parts, sole and template, keeping the template literally in the air. This object of the invention is composed of a series of magnets Neodymium disks, structured and oriented along the sole and the template in a certain way, a series of magnets will be installed in the template and the other series of magnets will be installed in the same way in the sole, but with the orientation of its magnetic field of the same pole toward the template.

Object of the invention

In footwear, the practice and technique of having different types of cushioning or suspension are known, among them are those of springs, air chambers, rubber, silicone or gel. These cushioning systems, have a wear due to a direct contact between the different components and the weight of our body, therefore, to more effectively fulfill its function, greater comfort and resistance, I propose to install on soles and footwear insoles, a series of disk-shaped neodymium magnets, which create a repulsion magnetic field between the sole and the insole, and this in turn creates a space of air between magnets that do not come in contact and dampen the weight of the body.

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